The average public sector 403(b) plan is an unmitigated disaster. If anyone doubts this, they have simply not been paying attention. When I came across “How 403(b) Plans Can Inform 401(k) Plans,” written by Tim Walsh, a managing director of TIAA-CREF, I almost choked on my reheated panini. In the words of my friend Scott Dauenhauer, “This article is…
Scary vs. Dangerous
Some things might kill you instantly like a dagger through the heart. Others might ravage your body over a prolonged period of time, like a chronic disease. Investing follows these same principles. Unfortunately, a slow or quick death is often the result for many portfolios. There are many immediate portfolio killers but often what investors…
L-Share/ Short Surrender Annuities: Not Impressed
“There are some scumbags in this business and they deserve to be prosecuted out.” – Joseph Jordan, former advisor and current consultant Mr. Jordan’s comments couldn’t be more relevant — or true – than they are right now. Some insurance companies in their never-ending quest to find new victims (I mean, clients) often resort to…
Help! I’m 75 and a Papa New Guinea Energy Co. is 42% of My IRA!
Brokers who churned $2 million dollars’ worth of commissions in a single household over 3.5 years! Chinese Internet and Papa New Guinea energy companies acting as huge components of a 70-year old couple’s retirement plan! There is good reason why some call the retail brokerage world a “Gangsta’s Paradise”. According to The Wall Street Journal,…
Make The Neanderthals Great Again!
The century’s worst financial trade was based on the premise that home prices could not collapse in all parts of our country simultaneously. This arrogant, misguided perception almost led to a complete meltdown of the global financial system. Unfortunately, we may not have learned our lesson. Our nation’s 2016 presidential candidates are taking us down…
Investors Need Their Own Toxic Stress Avenger
Investors need their own super hero to save them from making awful decisions during market melt downs. The cult hero, The Toxic Avenger, exists only in fantasy. In reality, there are four ways the average investor can save himself from the stress created by financial bullies and hype men. Stress can be a powerful…
What if your Financial Advisor says President Obama is a Commie?
Mixing politics and investing is a horrible idea. What do you do if the person in charge of your hard- earned money is a rabid partisan? According to The Investment News a financial advisor ran into some regulatory issues. The advisor in question was accused of calling President Obama “evil.” He was also found to…
Bad Medicine for Public-Pension Funds
The worst cure for unfunded state pension obligations is high-fee hedge funds that underperform basic market indices. Unfortunately, many financial physicians are prescribing this very antidote to fix this combustible issue. Too many government pension fund boards are committing this act of monetary malpractice. According to Marc Levine’s article, “Fees that Sickly Public-Pension Funds Can’t Afford”…
How to Use a Teacher’s Lesson Plan to manage your Money
Without discipline, structure, and clearly defined goals, a middle school class will descend into chaos and anarchy. The same can be said for your financial plan. Being a former middle school teacher and a current fee-only financial advisor, I have a unique perspective on these matters. Establishing routine is essential to managing a classroom. If…
Surprise! Sixty Percent of Barron’s “Top Advisors” Have Regulatory Issues
Buying Twitter followers or Facebook friends is not a good plan for most businesses looking to attract clients. The reverse is true in regards to purchasing a spot on Barron’s Top Advisors’ list. The brokerage firm gains new clients, but investors lose big time. According to AdvisorHub, a whopping 60% of advisors on the Barron’s…