July 2021

Attach Yourself To Financial Non-Attachment

Money shouldn’t be an instrument of torture but often is. Suffering rears its head in a variety of flavors. Most are generated by attachment and clinging. Everything is impermanent. Eastern wisdom professes, “Whatever has the nature to arise will soon pass away.” So finding lasting joy from temporary things is nothing more than fool’s gold….

I’m Always Seething…..When Is My Retirement?

Climate change is a serious issue. The same goes for ignoring retirement planning. Cool your anxiety by reading this week’s terrific links. Why can’t we focus on what’s going right with our retirement portfolio? A Wealth of Common Sense Is climate change the mother of all risks for retirees? CBSNEWS Try adding some humility to…

What’s Your Wealth I.Q.?

Contentment is the new black. Don’t look on Instagram. It’s not trending on Twitter. You won’t find it on someone’s Facebook story. It’s hard balancing need with greed. Too many of us are failing at this essential task. Do you want to increase your Wealth I.Q.? Start by enjoying what you already have. There’s the…

I Need More Holidays In The Sun….When Is My Retirement?

It’s not shocking unvaccinated people are getting sick. Just like relying on science for your health, your retirement needs an evidence-based strategy. Start right here by reading this week’s terrific links. Many investors don’t know how to use target-date funds. CNBC How to create a super ‘Back Door Roth’ IRA. WSJ Some more great money…

Understanding The Harsh Reality Of Athletic Scholarships

Relying on an athletic scholarship is a dangerous way of financing college. While athletic scholarships sound sexy and exciting, the reality is undeniable. Only 2% of graduating high school athletes earn these awards annually. This number is the antithesis of many parents’ expectations. The disconnect has far-reaching consequences. Some parents sign their kids up for…

Pass The Tanning Butter…..When Is My Retirement?

Tropical Storms bring rain and wind but are temporary events. Your retirement could last for 30 years or more. Turn off the Weather Channel and start reading this week’s terrific links. Ageism costs our economy trillions. BusinessInsider Follow these ten rules for your retirement portfolio. The Big Picture There are people out there who think…

Attention Is The Cash Value Of Time

Despite what you think, time isn’t your most valuable asset. Attention supersedes all. You’re as free as your attention span permits. For example, living to a hundred doesn’t guarantee happiness. Focusing on every perceived slight, both real and imagined, wastes precious attentional bandwidth. Plotting revenge on your enemies plunders the cash flow of attention. It’s…

Better Think Of Your Future …. When Is My Retirement?

In 1776, everyone had the same retirement plan – death. We’ve come a long way. Give Me Retirement or Give Me Death no longer works. Check out this week’s terrific links to see what does. Happy July 4th! Don’t allocate what you can’t afford to lose. Pragmatic Capitalism  In your retirement portfolio, you get what you…