The Battle Is Getting Hotter…..When Is My Retirement

Your neighbours, family, and friends are most likely not experts in constitutional scholarship, infectious disease, or retirement planning. Read what the real experts have to say in this week’s terrific links. There are simple ways to get people to save more for retirement. A Wealth Of Common Sense Pension funds are being tested by this…

Why Are Stock Market Crashes Permanently Impermanent?

“Whatever has the nature to arise has the nature to cease” The Buddha Permanence is the root of human misery. We’re constantly clinging and craving. Dragging around the corpses of past experience, adding more suffering to the mix. Think about that great vacation. Never wanting it to end but knowing it will. Craving for permanence…

I Don’t Like Mondays…..When Is My Retirement?

Retirement planning is all about playing the long game. Short term market losses are the price of success. Read this week’s terrific links and focus on what really matters. Trading in your retirement accounts during volatile markets is a bad idea. CNBC We can’t control the Coronavirus but we can control our behaviour. Jonathan Clements…

Distractions Wrapped Inside Addictions

Why is the state of financial literacy in America so bad it’s almost comical? The methods of distributing information leave much to be desired. Mass broadcasting reaches a wide audience while sending the wrong message. Noise censors the truth like invisible radiation. Why do some messages go viral while most plunge into obscurity? Derek Thompson…

Working For The Clampdown….When Is My Retirement?

Baseball’s exhibition game season has arrived. Unlike planning for a successful retirement, these games don’t count. Give yourself a reality check by reading the real deal – This week’s terrific retirement links! Exercise is more important than your portfolio. The Hill Getting back on track after an early retirement withdrawal. two cents Is “Entitlement” the…

How to Go From Retirement’s Outhouse to Its Penthouse

Some days you’re the dog and some days you’re the fire hydrant. Take a guess which category public school teacher’s Non-ERISA 403(b) retirement plans fall under? Help is on the way. Our 403(b) group is collaborating on a unique pilot project with Vanguard, the titan of low-cost, investor-friendly investing. Our joint mission is to transform…

The Battle Is Getting Hotter….When Is My Retirement?

Happy President’s Day! Former U.S. Presidents receive an annual pension of over $200,000  – You won’t. If that’s not a reason to read this week’s terrific links, I don’t know what to tell you.   Money should give you the freedom to work on things you want to. More To That Be aware of Coronavirus…

How To Make It Rain On Your Investments

Reactive habit patterns ruin more portfolios than bear markets. Acting mindlessly and reflexively is easy to do but difficult to unwind. There’s a way out of this negative feedback loop – if you’re willing to put in the work. Dr Judson Brewer, an expert on changing bad habits, has the solution. Make it R.A.I.N. on…

For God’s Sake, You’re Scaring People To Death!

Orson Welles almost scared America to death. At 8 P.M. on October 30, 1938, Welles unleashed his version of hell upon a gullible American public. The 23-year-old Welles hosted a very popular CBS Radio program called Mercury Theatre on the Air.  He produced adaptations of Dracula, The Count of Monte Cristo and other classics. This…