What I Need, I Just Don’t Have….. When Is My Retirement?

Nobody gets to choose their genes, country of birth, or the political/economic conditions they’re born into. If you reading this post, you are a fortunate person. Take advantage of your good fortune and properly plan your retirement. Start by reading this week’s terrific links. There’s a difference between being frugal and being independent. Morgan Housel…

Ten Life Tips That Need To Be Taught In High School

Public Schools need to get a life. It’s the only grade that matters – Life Skills 101. Instead of obsessing about A.P. courses or writing pseudo-research papers to get into elite colleges, there’s another way. How about teaching kids a curriculum that’s applicable after they depart the world of honor rolls and standardized tests? There’s…

Mondays Coming Like A Jail On Wheels…..When Is My Retirement?

Anger is a self-inflicted wound. Don’t sabotage your wealth by making emotional decisions. Read this week’s terrific retirement links and avoid making unforced errors with your money. Avoid these 25 investing mistakes. Darius Foroux 25% of Americans have no clue how much they’ve saved for retirement. Yahoo Finding a good caregiver is a job in…

Incentives Are Superpowers; Set Them Carefully

It’s straightforward to see what motivates people; peek at their incentives. Sam Altman provided the title but didn’t create the destructive powers of wrong incentives. They’ve been around since the beginning of time and continue negatively affecting our lives. Our Healthcare, Food, Social Media, and Finance industries are slingers of twisted enticements. Treatment rather than…

So You Want To Be A Centenarian???

Imagine being alive when Calvin Coolidge was President. If you’re 100 years old, Silent Cal was a mini part of your life. Living to 100 and being alive for a century are two completely different ballgames. It’s fascinating to study healthy and engaged Centenarians. How did they make it this far? We know one thing….

You’re A Slave To Money Then You Die…..When Is My Retirement?

The source of your troubles lies in the mind. Reading this week’s terrific retirement links will take your thinking to a new level. Five reasons life gets better as you age. The Next Big Idea Club How to turn your retirement into the Wonder Years. RetirementManifesto Don’t let a tax audit ruin your retirement. FinancialAdvisor…

Managing Money Is Easy, Managing Wealth Isn’t

It’s impossible to manage something we can’t define. We quantify what’s easily countable, not what matters most. Investors with average I.Q.s have a clear path to a seven-figure portfolio. Invest 10-20% of your salary in a basket of low-cost index funds. Place the process on auto-pilot through dollar-cost averaging and allow compounding to do the…

They Say It Would Be Wine And Roses…..When Is My Retirement?

Saving money but squandering time doesn’t bring contentment. Read this week’s terrific retirement links to learn how to manage your two biggest assets. Retiring from a high-powered job is difficult. Harvard Business Review The Pandemic didn’t ruin investors’ retirements. A Wealth of Common Sense Investing is simple but not easy. Darius Foroux How to turbocharge…

What’s The Most Overlooked Component Of Your Financial Plan?

“I guess it comes down to a simple choice – get busy living or get busy dying.” The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Retirement is more than just years. The two most integral terms regarding your retirement have zero to do with stocks and bonds. Understanding the difference between Healthspan and Lifespan drives the quality of your…