The world is opening up. Don’t miss the great times ahead. Make funding bucket list vacations part of your retirement plans. Read this week’s terrific links and help turn your dreams into reality. Too many Americans underspend during retirement. Abnormal Returns Before saving for retirement, make sure you set up an emergency fund. A Wealth…
Anthony Isola
Ten Facts You Need To Know About Financing College
Making a major purchase without transparent information is an accident waiting to happen. Most parents are flying blind regarding the college admissions process. Like any other business, maximizing revenue takes precedence. In this case, your child is the product. Before plunking down a quarter of a million dollars or more, it’s important to know these…
My Spirit Gets So Down-Hearted Sometimes…..When Is My Retirement?
Baseball is back. Games often become 4 hour+ marathons. Retirement is longer and no game. Your plan may need to last for 30 years +. Start your season by reading this week’s terrific links. How much should you worry about inflation in retirement? Morningstar How can you make up for lost ground in your…
It’s Hard To Kill The Stock Market
Never separate the terms Long Term and Investing. Understanding this is 95% of wealth creation. It’s mind-boggling the deluge of carnage stocks can absorb and eventually roar back to make new highs. Don’t believe me? Take a look at Germany. It’s hard to fathom a developed country going through more earth-shattering wealth-destroying events in the…
I Am Becoming A Zombie…..When Is My Retirement?
March Madness is very exciting for college basketball fans. Sound saving and investing strategies can be rather boring. Want something interesting relating to your retirement planning? Read this week’s terrific links! How much money do you need to be considered rich? A Wealth of Common Sense Don’t be fooled by Indexed Annuity salespeople. TEBI Is…
The Craziest Investment Ever
Beanie Babies, Pokemon Cards, CryptoKitties??? How about Tulips? Tulips are very beautiful but bloom for only a week. If the weather gets into the ’80s during the early spring, make that a day! Squirrels tend to dig up and devour them in the fall unless you put hot pepper into the hole as psychopaths like…
I’m Too Precious…..When Is My Retirement?
Spring is almost here. Its arrival is part of Nature’s life cycle. Your retirement plan isn’t part of nature. If you don’t fund it, you can’t retire. Stop this from happening by reading this week’s terrific retirement links. Does Bitcoin Belong in your retirement portfolio? The Big Picture Don’t let anxiety kill your retirement plan….
Does Inflation Belong On Our Worry List?
Is the silent money assassin of inflation poised to awake from its long slumber? Small changes in prices compound into something sinister. Inflation is the rise of prices in the economy over time. When this happens, purchasing power decreases. A declining dollar value limits purchasing power. Inflation is the reason understanding the difference between saving…
Things Have Been Dark For Too Long…..When Is My Retirement?
Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod may have decided to end their relationship. This decision has zero effect on their retirement plans. Unfortunately, most of us don’t fall into this category. Make sure your retirement planning isn’t divorced from reality. Start by reading this week’s terrific links. Retirees need some flexibility regarding their withdrawal rates. Morningstar Health…
Measuring Happiness – My Guest Appearance On The Compound Show
Last week I was honored to make a guest appearance on The Compound Show. We had a great time talking about things that matter but are hard to measure with a scorecard. We covered a bunch of interesting stuff. Including my days teaching and why how so many kids are mislabeled in public schools to…