Intelligent people realize how much they don’t know. Start educating yourself about retirement planning by reading this week’s terrific links. Are you rich, wealthy, or neither? Of Dollars And Data Fear the rot, not the explosion. Seth’s Blog What are the best and worst states for taxes? Yahoo Finance Living to 100 provides many life…
Anthony Isola
Get Ready For Retirement 3.0
Evolve or suffer slowly. Retirement planning is afflicted by many maladies found in modern medicine. Lifestyle management trumps portfolio management. Treating financial symptoms and not the disease sabotages our financial plans and health. Peter Attia points out the differences in the evolution of medical care. Medicine 1.0 refers to medicine based on intuition and trial…
It’s Not How Old I Am, It’s How I Feel…..When Is My Retirement?
There’s more to retirement than early bird buffets. Read our terrific retirement links and find a healthier menu. Most investors need a nudge for their retirement plan. The Big Picture Don’t look for patterns that don’t exist. The Behavior Gap Make your local library part of your retirement plan. Abnormal Returns We are way too…
How To Unlock Your Financial Creativity
Exemplary financial advice springs from the least likely sources. A case in point is music producer Rick Rubin. His book, The Creative Act, discusses unlocking creativity and maximizing productivity by applying easy-to-follow practical steps. Who would’ve thought the producer of artists ranging from Johnny Cash to the Beastie Boys may have a second career as…
There’s Two Sides To Every story…..When Is My Retirement?
Contentment is the greatest form of wealth. Craving instead of appreciating makes Jack a dull boy. Create a fulfilling retirement plan by reading this week’s terrific links. There’s no perfect time to retire. A Wealth of Common Sense Small 401(k) are burdened with egregious costs. Morningstar Make sure you make walking part of your retirement…
Give More, Pay Less
Making money doesn’t create success; what you do with it does. The Go-Giver sold millions of copies based on the application of this premise. The book answered the eternal money question – How do we delineate true wealth? Your true wealth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in…
So Many Fools Blocking My Motion…..When Is My Retirement?
If everything’s important, nothing is. Prioritize your retirement planning by reading this week’s terrific links. Why are Americans dying earlier than people from similiar countries? NPR The latest banking crisis is nothing like 2008. AXIOS How can you delay taking your RMDs? Yahoo Finance Loneliness is a retirement killer. The Free Press Is it…
What’s The Best College Major For Your Child?
How about majoring in The Right Fit? Snipping the velvet rope preventing you from accessing an exclusive club is a poor way to choose a college. Driving your child crazy while creating a problematic outcome isn’t optimal. This is precisely what many parents do when shopping for the right school. It’s almost impossible to deflect…
Pretty Soon Now Your Gonna Get Older…..When Is My Retirement?
If your biggest worry is your retirement portfolio, life is pretty good. Make it even better by reading this week’s terrific links. Not all states are great for retirees. NY Post Money is a tool for happiness and fulfillment. Darius Foroux Spend money on the correct forms of luxury goods. Morningstar The best gift…
Time Restricted Investing Creates Millionaires
It’s often not what you do. It’s when you do it that counts. This advice applies to your health and wealth. Time-restricted eating fits into this category. In a nutshell, the main point is restricting food intake to certain times of the day. Many find an 8-12 hour window compelling. An example of this schedule…