Seven Ways To Finance Your Advisors Retirement

Are you getting ripped off in your retirement account? Unscrupulous financial salespeople charge egregious fees for inappropriate investments. This problem is systemic and costs investors billions in unnecessary annual fees. What should you be on the lookout for? Read my post for Jonathan Clement’s popular HumbleDollar blog and find out. If your current advisor is guilty of…

The Kids Will Be Alright

Dina here… “I’m mad at myself for wasting time,” he said.  “Nine whole years have passed that I won’t get back, and I did nothing!” I suppressed a laugh, but I was not making fun; I was astonished. I’ve heard this many, many times but this guy was different.  He was 25 years old, lamenting…

Compounding Knowledge – November’s College Planning Links

Elections and college planning have some similarities. Choosing the right strategy or candidate for a two/four-year cycle is important in both cases. Vote for someone who safeguards your values. Plan for college to protect your wallet. Start by reading this month’s links.   How to use a 529 plan to pay K-12 private school tuition….

Don’t Let the Incitement Industry Ruin Your Retirement

Everybody needs a non-financial retirement plan.  Income projections and portfolio allocations have little value if you don’t plan to manage your most valuable asset – TIME.  Many people retire without any idea how to spend this most precious commodity. Things start off on the wrong foot with the dreaded retirement party. According to Michelle Pannor Silver,…

It’s Monday Again…..When Is My Retirement?

Election day is this week. If you think your vote will influence the long-term returns of your retirement portfolio… You better think again. Here are this week’s terrific links.     Are people going to0 far to save money by purchasing expired meat? The Wall Street Journal 401k, 403b, and IRA contributions limits for 2019. The…

NFL Finance 102

Protecting the vulnerable from financial predators is our North Star. In spite of their physical strength, NFL athletes aren’t immune to this financial virus.  Our favorite NFL punter, Jeff Locke, has returned to give his unique take on the subject. Jeff watched Josh Brown’s video with David Byrne of Bright Lights. David is a former FINRA…

And If You Don’t Know, Now You Know…

October sucked if you held anything but cash in your portfolio. Not so much if you are a beleaguered teacher stuck in a crappy annuity infested 403(b) plan. Wait….what? A glimmer of light flickered in the darkest corner of retirement savings plans. For once, it wasn’t an oncoming train. Last month, the interest in 403(b)’s…

Comfortably Numb About Inflation

What could possibly go wrong with collecting a nice pension? Without an annual inflation adjustment, things are not as rosy as you think. Unlike social security, many pensions suffer reverse compounding of purchasing power over time. Public servants have pensions which are terrific in the short term, but not so much as the decades pass. Pension recipients are comfortably…

It’s Monday Again…..When Is My Retirement?

Retirement planning is very important but pales in comparison to the disturbing events currently happening in our country. If we don’t stop hating each other because of religion, race, political affiliation, or ethnicity all of our retirement futures will be bleak. With a heavy heart, here are this week’s links.   Here are some signs…

Estate Planning Isn’t Just for Millionaires

Dina here… One of the greatest “gifts” I ever received from my parents did not feel like a gift a first; it was a torturous exercise, truth be told.  Involving me in their estate planning would be something that would offer my entire family peace of mind, but not until much later down the road….