Investors need to be long-term greedy, not short-term panicky regarding saving for retirement. Begin your journey by reading this weeks’ terrific links. Should you use a Roth IRA to help buy a home? CNBC Some people who did the right thing may fall short regarding their retirement goals. Barron’s How badly is the COVID-19 recession…
A Double Tap Of Retirement Misery
Younger and older low-income Americans have something in common regarding their retirement savings. They’re both getting screwed. How can a system with $17 trillion in 401(k) assets be in crisis? There’s a vast chasm between account balances amongst high income-earners and everybody else. According to the Wall Street Journal: In 2016, the average retirement balance…
I Need More Than This….When Is My Retirement?
R.I.P. to The Notorious RBG. Just like a Supreme Court appointment, your retirement is a lifetime sentence. I would suggest taking the job of preparing for it very seriously. Start right here by reading this week’s terrific links. How much should you have saved for retirement based on your age and income? The Irrelevant Investor…
Things will get better. During the height of New York’s pandemic, over a thousand people were dying daily. The life we once knew seemed like a relic from the past. Would the food supply become contaminated? Was the country entering a new Great Depression? Will the disease mutate and become deadlier? Without any warning, The…
Are You A Money Hoarder?
“If everyone’s not a beauty, then no one is.” Andy Warhol Some people hoard things; others prefer money. Hoarding fascinates people. Shows containing homes bursting with stuff needing Lewis and Clark forging a path to the bathroom are rating bonanzas. Some hoard due to anxiety or depression. Hoarding alleviates these feelings, generating a safe place….
It’s Another Blue Monday…..When Is My Retirement?
Luck and hope are no substitute for a well thought out retirement plan. Start your journey right now by reading this week’s terrific links. Retirement plan fees can be death by a thousand cuts. CNBC Does private equity belong in your 401(k)? Bloomberg Taxes are a big part of your retirement plan. next avenue Inheritances…
Retreat, Resist and Reject – How To Become A Radical Retirement Investor
Never underestimate the power of bad investing habits. Embracing “knowing nothing else” is a wickedly ineffective retirement strategy. An 18-year-old French Philosopher, Etienne de la Boetie, confirmed this centuries ago in his essay, On Voluntary Servitude. Etienne’s main point, tyrants enslave the masses through their own consent. How do we solve this? Stop cooperating! Propping…
I Don’t Like Mondays…..When Is My Retirement?
Soon the Presidential Debates will begin. One thing’s beyond debate. you need a retirement plan. Start your prep right here with this week’s great links. Should you take a lump sum payout or a pension? CNBC What should you do if your company doesn’t offer a retirement plan? Morningstar It might be time to add…
Repeat After Me, The President Isn’t The Stock Market
Your retirement account doesn’t care who’s President. The November election is fast approaching. Commence firing with rounds of: “This is the most important election EVER!” Disregard the fact these same people say this every four years. The fun starts when the stock market apocalypse season begins – The election edition. On cue, e-mails like this…
“Should I Stay Or Should I Go?…..When Is My Retirement?
If you have a job, Labor Day is a great holiday. Don’t forget to put part of that paycheck into a retirement plan. Learn how to do this and other important stuff in this week’s terrific links. Climate change needs to be a part of your retirement plans. next avenue Being a landlord in retirement…