How Should We Plan For A Two Minute Life?

There’s one thing the worst forecaster (and that’s saying something) can’t get wrong. All of us are going to die on slightly different trajectories. We’re all critically ill. It appears the chasm between the lifespans between an 80 and 17-year-old should be measured in light-years. That’s not the case. The history of our planet provides…

My Boss Is Pretty Vacant…..When Is My Retirement?

Our country is predicated on the rule of law. The same goes for your retirement. Follow the right rules and your plan won’t be overrun by the mobs of emotion. Start right here by reading this week’s terrific links. What you focus on really matters. Retirement Field Guide Are Annuities in your retirement plan a…

We Don’t Live In Our 401(k) Plans

Shopping and buying aren’t the same things. In the U.S., shopping is a bigger sport than the NFL or NBA. The funny thing is we don’t realize what we’re buying. They’re trillion-dollar industries based on the sport of shopping. The arms race to purchase things we don’t need is fortified by gift cards, garage sales,…

I’m Having A Personality Crisis….When Is My Retirement?

Our nation will survive all of this madness. I’m not sure I can say the same about your retirement plan. Start defending yourself by reading this week’s terrific links. Doing this one thing can save your estate from costs and headaches. TheStreet Should you retire overseas? make it Is a vacation home a threat to…

Two Simple Rules For Building Real Wealth

Simple beats complex in investing and life. Real wealth is composed of a healthy body mixed with enough money covering basic needs and select wants. The formula is simple. Don’t get sidetracked by daily noise. The same goes for your health. The most important factor in warding off disease and staying healthy is correct breathing….

Don’t Be A Slave to Money…..When Is My Retirement?

When you’re young time is on your side. With each second that ticks by, this narrative changes. Make 2021 the year of getting your retirement planning in order. Start by reading our first retirement links for the New Year. Retirement can be a Lifequake. MarketWatch What type of retirement spender are you? Barron’s Retirees should…

Relax And Do It….When Is My Retirement?

The New Year brings you one step closer to retirement. What are you doing about this? Start by reading this week’s terrific links. Too many retirees are carrying debt. CNBC Get your affairs in order BEFORE something happens to you. MarketWatch Don’t be the richest person in the Graveyard. Of Dollars and Data Where are…

If 2020 Was A Couple, It Would Be Sid And Nancy

It doesn’t take Captain Obvious to figure out 2020 sucked. People did have more time to sit, think, and observe as they self-isolated. The pandemic should’ve changed your perspective. It changed mine. Good Health dwarfs everything. Nothing else is close. Toilet paper will be the currency of the next apocalypse. Living with the six feet…

I Run Endlessly With My Mate…..When Is My Retirement?

Santa Claus won’t save your retirement. Only you can do that. Start this journey by reading this week’s outstanding links. These four mistakes could derail your retirement. Barrons 46,000 businesses cut 401(k) contributions in 2020. CNBC Should you still take your RMD even if you don’t have to? MarketWatch Most workers haven’t taken a COVID…

How Are Normal People Supposed To Save For Retirement?

  Tony · How Are Normal People Supposed To Save For Retirement Retirement investors needing the most help often get the least. Or worse! Investors with accounts between $100,000 and $500,000 end up becoming fee pinatas. For many big brokers and insurers, the only way to make these “small accounts” worthwhile is bleeding them dry….