Winter will end. Can you say the same about when you’re going to stop working? Planning to leave the rat race isn’t easy. Let us help you help yourself by reading this week’s terrific links. How unfriendly is your retirement plan? Morningstar Retirees can save a bunch of money by cutting this expense. Barron’s Are…
Don’t Let Illusions Of Control Ruin Your Financial Goals We have less control over free will than we think. Does belief in power over open-ended systems like the financial markets make any sense? Despite the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” society we live in, luck plays a tremendous role in success and failure. Do we have any influence over where and when…
I Need To Shake Things Up…..When Is My Retirement?
The NFL season is over but your retirement planning never ends. Make reading our weekly links part of this infinite journey. Could selling your home help to finance your retirement? A Wealth of Common Sense How will low-interest rates impact your retirement saving strategy? MarketWatch How much control do you have over your happiness? HumbleDollar…
Are You Stuck In A Bad Money Relationship?
Bad money relationships are worse than romantic debacles. High-intensity drama is painful. Living paycheck to paycheck generates worse long term negative effects. The divorce rate for couples over 50 has skyrocketed over the past 25 years. Differences over money are the number one reason in many circumstances. There are many ways why things go south…
I’m Obsessed With Quitting My Job…..When Is My Retirement?
Stimulus checks are great but they’re designed to get people through the short term, not a 30-year retirement. Create your own retirement stimulus by reading this week’s terrific links. If your retirement plan depends on GameStop, it’s time to get a new plan. MarketWatch Don’t fall for a Coronavirus Investment Scam. ThinkAdvisor Do you know…
How Do You Know If You’re Saving Enough For Retirement? Who doesn’t want a prosperous retirement? The solution is simple but not easy. Become a capitalist. No need to make “Greed is good” your North Star. It’s a simple concept; owners earn more than employees. Making money from savings instead of working for a paycheck is key. There are only so many hours in…
I Just Can’t Get Enough Vacation Time…..When Is My Retirement?
If your retirement plan involves day trading, it’s time to find another plan. There are saner choices out there starting with reading this week’s terrific links. Source: Vanguard Will your retirement plan change under President Biden? U.S. News How can you maximize the benefits of a Roth IRA? MarketWatch Lending money to family members can…
Five Lessons Young Investors Can Learn From GameStop’s Insane Ride
Never let a crazy market go to waste. GameStop’s astronomical rise of over 600% in two weeks is no exception. It seems a bunch of people on a Reddit message board and some trading Apps got together and plotted a strategy to stick it to the hedge funds. The Hedgies established massive short positions in…
Delete Junk Food From Your Retirement Portfolio Long term planning contains short term costs. Short term thinking is much more expensive. Americans need to apply this thinking to their diets and portfolios. Nobody ever went wrong compounding money and eating healthy. Focusing on the latter, we eat terribly. According to Bill Bryson, The average American consumes twenty-two teaspoons of added sugar…
All I Do Is Talk Talk…..When Is My Retirement?
There was a peaceful transfer of power in our country this past week. Help yourself make a seamless transfer into your retirement by reading this week’s terrific links. The Stock Market doesn’t care about your retirement. A Wealth of Common Sense Money is worthless if you don’t have your health. MarketWatch Don’t get retirement advice…