Climate change is real. So is the fact you’re getting older and closer to retirement daily. Are you ready? Start making proper preparations by reading this week’s terrific links. Having friends is a huge part of retirement. Dollars and Data Here’s some great advice for your kids and grandchildren. Humble Dollar Putting off retirement is…
Don’t Over Medicate Your Retirement Portfolio
Too much of anything is harmful. This includes medications and investments. Diworsification is real. Our healthcare system is the epicenter. Polypharmacy is defined as the regular use of five or more drugs by one patient. Keeping track of all these medications may be the least of your problems. This issue is mainly concentrated in the…
You’re Bound To Get What You Deserve…..When Is My Retirement?
Three-day weekends are great. The same can’t be said for an underfunded retirement. Invest in yourself. Read this week’s terrific links. Happy Labor Day! Your most precious retirement resource is not what you think. Today Purpose Many people don’t understand the price they pay for their 401(k). The Washington Post How to get back on…
How To Escape Your Financial Cocoon
Self-deception is a raging epidemic. A myriad of factors influences our point of view. Genes, family life, friends, experiences, and other items determine perceptions. Why do we believe our experiences are reality? James Low reinforces this concept. These stories have a tilt or bias. This generates a selectivity in our attention which blocks many of…
Some People Give Me The Creeps…..When Is My Retirement?
You don’t need to have an opinion about everything. The exception is your retirement plan. If you don’t care, who will? Start by reading this week’s terrific links. Why aren’t more workers taking advantage of Roth 401(k)s? CNBC How is Gen X doing regarding their retirement savings? BusinessInsider What should you do if you’re left…
Eighteen Year Breakups Are Never Easy
Last week, we dropped our first twin son off to college in South Carolina. Starting and funding a 529 plan before birth removed all concerns about the upcoming bills. A college savings plan doesn’t pay for everything. It won’t remove the heartache of the last goodbye. Eighteen-year breakups are never easy. No amount of money…
The Record Company Just Gave Me A Big Advance…..When Is My Retirement?
Hurricane season is here. Don’t let your finances get blown away by making poor decisions. Upgrade your sources of information. Starting with our terrific links. What are the best states to retire to? Bloomberg Which generations starting saving the earliest for retirement? BusinessInsider The simple path to an estate plan. A Simple Path to Wealth…
How To Eliminate Your Money Regrets
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest investor of them all? It depends on your perspective. Some view a mirror as a fixed object that’s unchangeable. Putting something horrible in front of it will cause a violent shattering. Others look at it differently. Believing reflections change, but the mirror remains the same. Do this…
They Tell You One And One Makes Three…..When Is My Retirement?
Don’t make perfect the enemy of the good. Would you please take 5 minutes and read our weekly links? Wealthy people aren’t geniuses. They make plans and, most importantly, stick to them. Many Americans don’t save for retirement because their salaries are too low. Acorns’ Too few investors take advantage of catch-up retirement provisions. The…
Investing Is No Field Of Dreams
Losing money is fun – said no one ever. The same goes for watching your favorite team unravel in a heartbreaking loss. The MLB did a great thing by creating a 2021 version of A Field Of Dreams. There’s nothing like playing baseball in an Iowa cornfield. Summed up in a classic line from the…