Time The Avenger

Nobody’s permanent. Everything’s on loan here. Even your wife and kids could be gone next year.- Chrissie Hynde Only you decide how to spend time. Don’t take this irreversible decision lightly. Last month we made a rare journey into NYC. Nothing personal. It’s just not my cup of tea at this stage of life. We…

Please Don’t Leave Me To Remain…..When Is My Retirement?

Retirement doesn’t mean stopping working. Liberating yourself from doing things you don’t enjoy solely for the money is the correct definition. Learn more in this week’s excellent links! Don’t be house-rich but cash poor. A Wealth of Common Sense Rolling over an old 401(k) isn’t as easy as you think. Flow Financial Planning Old Houses…

Financial Planning Is Perfectly Imperfect

Can you trust your financial plan if you don’t trust yourself? A precise financial plan is a myth on par with Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. Predicting thirty years into the future is a laughable task. It’s not to say financial plans don’t have their place- they do. Employing them as a compass rather…

Get Ready For Retirement 3.0

Evolve or suffer slowly. Retirement planning is afflicted by many maladies found in modern medicine. Lifestyle management trumps portfolio management. Treating financial symptoms and not the disease sabotages our financial plans and health. Peter Attia points out the differences in the evolution of medical care. Medicine 1.0 refers to medicine based on intuition and trial…

It’s Not How Old I Am, It’s How I Feel…..When Is My Retirement?

There’s more to retirement than early bird buffets. Read our terrific retirement links and find a healthier menu. Most investors need a nudge for their retirement plan. The Big Picture Don’t look for patterns that don’t exist. The Behavior Gap Make your local library part of your retirement plan. Abnormal Returns We are way too…

How To Unlock Your Financial Creativity

Exemplary financial advice springs from the least likely sources. A case in point is music producer Rick Rubin. His book, The Creative Act, discusses unlocking creativity and maximizing productivity by applying easy-to-follow practical steps. Who would’ve thought the producer of artists ranging from Johnny Cash to the Beastie Boys may have a second career as…

There’s Two Sides To Every story…..When Is My Retirement?

Contentment is the greatest form of wealth. Craving instead of appreciating makes Jack a dull boy. Create a fulfilling retirement plan by reading this week’s terrific links. There’s no perfect time to retire. A Wealth of Common Sense Small 401(k) are burdened with egregious costs. Morningstar Make sure you make walking part of your retirement…

Give More, Pay Less

Making money doesn’t create success; what you do with it does. The Go-Giver sold millions of copies based on the application of this premise. The book answered the eternal money question – How do we delineate true wealth? Your true wealth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in…