War is hell.- General William Sherman What’s worse – sometimes the good guys end up doing bad stuff. Hitler once stated, “To defeat Fascism, you need to act more like a Fascist.” The murderous tyrant had a point. In both World Wars, the United States resorted to violations of democratic principles more commonly seen from…
Anthony Isola
No One Listens Anymore…..When Is My Retirement?
The World Series has record-low T.V. ratings. While nobody seems to care about these games, the opposite is true for your retirement. Start paying attention by reading this week’s terrific links. Ageism may ruin your retirement plans. ProPublica Is The 4% Rule for retirement still valid? A Wealth Of Common Sense You’re never too…
Your Retirement Plan Isn’t A Democracy
Do you know the difference between strong and weak link systems? You better – if you care about your retirement. Weak link strategies are positioned upon the strength of the last man on the totem pole. Think of soccer. Most games are very low-scoring affairs. Kicking the ball into the net involves several highly coordinated…
It’s A Mad World…..When Is My Retirement?
While watching the carnival show that’s become our political campaign season, keep something in mind. The people speaking to you possess tremendous healthcare, pensions, and retirement plans – You don’t. Fight the power by reading this week’s terrific retirement links. Don’t let politics ruin your retirement. A Wealth of Common Sense The most important asset…
Are You A Toxic Retirement Saver?
Health and wealth are the Siamese twins of a successful retirement plan. Is it possible to have too much of both? Maybe Excess exercise harms more than it helps. Toxic fitness cultures exemplify this. HUFFPOST provides a user guide to this sub-culture. Here are some items to look out for. The promotion of fitness for…
It’s Was A Cruel Summer…..When Is My Retirement?
A really good Baseball player gets a hit about 30% of the time. Your retirement isn’t a Yankees game. If you want to improve your odds of success, start right here by reading this week’s terrific links. Social Security is the best annuity on the market. Retirement Field Guide Don’t have a pension? You can…
Making America Into Rutherford B. Hayes Again
Do you know one fact about our 19th President, Rutherford B. Hayes? Don’t count on this continuing. For those of you aren’t History nerds like myself, here’s why RBH’s name might be a conversation starter during the next few months. In 1876, Hayes ran for president against the Democratic candidate, Samuel Tilden. Tilden emerged with…
My Boss Drives Me Crazy…..When Is My Retirement?
Investors need to be long-term greedy, not short-term panicky regarding saving for retirement. Begin your journey by reading this weeks’ terrific links. Should you use a Roth IRA to help buy a home? CNBC Some people who did the right thing may fall short regarding their retirement goals. Barron’s How badly is the COVID-19 recession…
A Double Tap Of Retirement Misery
Younger and older low-income Americans have something in common regarding their retirement savings. They’re both getting screwed. How can a system with $17 trillion in 401(k) assets be in crisis? There’s a vast chasm between account balances amongst high income-earners and everybody else. According to the Wall Street Journal: In 2016, the average retirement balance…
I Need More Than This….When Is My Retirement?
R.I.P. to The Notorious RBG. Just like a Supreme Court appointment, your retirement is a lifetime sentence. I would suggest taking the job of preparing for it very seriously. Start right here by reading this week’s terrific links. How much should you have saved for retirement based on your age and income? The Irrelevant Investor…