Breathe The Pressure…..When Is My Retirement?

Long-term investors can’t avoid temporary market pain. It’s the fee one must pay for the miracle of compounding. Take away some stings by reading this week’s terrific retirement links. How does inflation affect how much you can withdraw from your retirement account? Morningstar Simple advice and common sense are what retirement investors need. AARP Checklists…

Your Portfolio Isn’t A Financial Plan

Would your portfolio exist in a vacuum? Not according to Quantum Physicist Carlo Rovelli. The properties of an object are how it acts upon other objects; reality is this web of interactions. Instead of seeing the physical world as a collection of objects with definite properties, quantum theory invites us to see the physical world as a…

I’m Not Your Stepping Stone…..When Is My Retirement?

An underfunded retirement is a real slap in the face. Learn how to defend yourself by reading this week’s terrific links. Older adults have a different inflation rate than their younger counterparts. Morningstar Gen Z is saving more than Millennials. Yahoo Finance The DOL doesn’t want Cryptocurrencies in 401(k) plans. JD SUPRA Retirement planning isn’t…

Getting Older Can Be A Blessing Or A Curse

Read this before prematurely leaving your job. Don’t retire for the wrong reason. There’s a cure for workplace irrelevancy. Fluid intelligence is God’s gift to the young. Psychologist Raymond Cattel defines this as the ability to reason, think flexibly and solve novel problems. It is what we commonly think of as raw smart smarts, and…

I Can’t Stop To Mess Around….When Is My Retirement?

With age comes increased wisdom and experience. Don’t waste these assets. Start planning your retirement by reading this week’s terrific links. Dying without a will is an evil plan for your heirs. next avenue Retirement returns are unpredictable. Monevator Don’t let money run your life. Young Money  Don’t let overconsumption destroy your retirement plans. Prime…

Mediocrity Is A Strategy

 The worst thing you can be is average. – Anonymous Average investors may disagree. Bland and mediocre investing minted many new millionaires over the last several decades. More on that later. Turning to the past, we find another field where mediocrity was a preferable destination to carnage. The French Philosopher Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592) lived…

I Ain’t Never Comin’ Back…..When Is My Retirement?

Letting a conflicted media scare you about current events isn’t a good use of your time. Use some of your precious moments to read our terrific retirement links. Don’t let people who get paid to attract attention influence your retirement portfolio. The Reformed Broker Is 65 the right age for claiming social security? The Motley…

Five Charts About College That Will Blow Your Mind

Elite Colleges are an education cartel. OPEC wishes it possessed this type of pricing power. $1.7 trillion in student loan debt isn’t a mirage. How did we get here? Recently stumbling upon this terrific site, College101, the answers weren’t challenging to find. Looking at Accreditation, Admissions policies, Earnings Outcomes, Graduation Rates, and Wage Premiums –…

I Don’t Want To Drink The Kool-Aid…..When Is My Retirement?

Thankfully, most evil dictators don’t survive long enough to retire- You do. Prepare for a better world by reading this week’s terrific retirement links.   Why do women invest less than men? Morningstar There might be a bi-partisan retirement savings package coming soon. Roll Call Reassess your life and career very seven years. MarketWatch We…

Will The Bear Market In Happiness Ever End?

It doesn’t matter what the stock market does if you’re not happy. Focus on building an anti-bucket list. Desires sabotage our peace of mind. We take what we have for granted. Stefan Zweig summarizes our Achilles heel. Darkness must fall before we are aware of the majesty of the stars above our heads. Why are…