Embrace change. It’s all that there is. Continuity is an illusion. Financial markets are the epitome of this type of thinking. Investors constantly attempt to will their delusions into reality. Not surprisingly, their attempts fail every time. It’s impossible because nothing is permanent. The good and bad times both own expiration dates beyond anyone’s control….
Bear Markets Are Purifying
Bear markets function as full-body cleansers for investors’ psyches. Vaporizing financial toxins is essential. Nobody said it’s fun. The bottom line – greed, anger, and delusion are the ultimate purifiers. Eastern philosophy believes humans fall into three categories: Greed/Grasping, Anger, and Delusion. Many possess multiple personality types that emerge at disparate moments. Responding to any…
Unchain Me From My Cubicle…..When Is My Retirement?
The right plan, process, and daily habits tend to reward their followers. Make reading our weekly retirement links part of your routine while ignoring short-term market noise. Despite some bumps in the road, the market goes up over time. A Wealth of Common Sense There’s a big difference between being rich and being wealthy. Morgan…
Nobody Wants To Tell You This
Doing the right thing guarantees nothing. Life’s events are a constant state of flux. Nothing lasts. Understanding this is the secret to life, never mind investing. Clinging to anything is playing a loser’s game. It’s the height of insanity not to anticipate the arrival of gloom. We expect things to last if we follow the…
When Is My Retirement? ….. It’s Tricky
The only thing investors should attach themselves to is pursuing the truth. Start your quest for retirement enlightenment by reading this week’s terrific links. Buying individual stocks for your retirement account might not be a good idea. Of Dollars And Data Here’s a great retirement checklist. Morningstar Should you add Bitcoin to your retirement plan?…
Was Jack Bogle The 5th Sex Pistol?
When we were in college, the highest compliment was – They’re hardcore. Poseur was the biggest insult. Jack Bogle was hardcore. We worshiped Punk music. Boston’s Kenmore Square was the East Coast epicenter for Mohawks, Piercings, Motorcycle-Jackets, Combat Boots, Rastas, Skin-Heads, and Skate Punks. I can still see the Graffiti and stickers posted to lamposts…
Tomorrow’s Much Too Long …..When Is My Retirement?
Retirement is an outdated term. The possibilities are endless if you plan correctly. Start by reading this week’s terrific links. Many retirees don’t spend enough. A Wealth of Common Sense Positive age beliefs are critical to a happy retirement. Rethinking65 When should you use a taxable account over a 401(k)? Morningstar Here’s a great IRA…
Portfolio PAIN Isn’t A Four Letter Word
Pleasures are to be avoided if they result in greater pain, and pain is to be welcomed if it results in greater pleasure. – Epicurus Pleasurable investing is an oxymoron. Good luck adopting buying high and selling low into your investment policy. The human body’s reactions to pain provide sound investing advice. Our default state…
So Many Songs We Forgot To Play…..When is My Retirement?
Being able to choose your response instead of reactivity is absolute freedom. Don’t react to your retirement; start planning it. Our weekly links are a terrific place to start. Will $1 Million be enough for you to retire? The Motley Fool Getting your Teen to open a Roth IRA is a great idea. thestreet.com Americans’…
Should Aaron Judge Click On Invest With Tony?
LifeHack – When you win the game, quit playing. As Bob Marley eloquently stated: The day you stop racing is the day you win the race. Yankee star Outfielder Aaron Judge decided to ignore this advice. Friday, the team reportedly offered a guaranteed seven-year contract of over $30,000,000 annually. Judge and his team nixed the…