By starting at age 25. Look at what the results are with an 8% return. Check out what happens if you wait but put more money in. This simple strategy could turn you into a millionaire. Discipline and consistency beats everything in the world of investing. Our young investor saved $2,000 a year from…
Anthony Isola
How you can earn an extra $83,000 in your IRA
Procrastination is a big enemy for investors. Take IRA contributions. You can invest $5,500 if you are under 50 ($6,500 if over) in January for your 2014 contribution. You have until April of 2015 to make this contribution. If you decide to wait those extra 15 months each year, the effects are dramatic. Over a…
What to do if a pushy insurance salesman tries to get you to sign a policy
Great advice from Roger Wohlner. Most of their promises are low probability outcomes at best lies at worst. Beware!!!! If approached by someone trying to convince you to use life insurance as an investment vehicle for retirement or any other purpose be very leery and ask many questions. Make sure this is a good deal…
Take the psychopath test
If you score above a 30 you need to be locked up………
Why is college so ridiculously expensive?
College costs have exploded in the recent decades. Loans have become available to all who apply. Huge sums of money has been spent on luxury dorms and sports stadiums. Schools have hired an enormous amount of well paid administrators. All of these costs do not add up to a better education and increased employment…
Where you can find some extra money.
Marketwatch reports American leave over ONE BILLION dollars in gift cards that are unredeemable each year. Now is the time to go through your wallet and organize what you received for the holidays. Use them before you lose them. The numbers tell the story.
Hit Men, Gambling and Hookers- A brief history of lottery winners
It does not matter how much you have if you do not know what to do with it.
10 things about credit that you are embarassed to ask about
Excellent post from Learnvest..
How can you determine how much life insurance you need?
Here is a simple formula but like anything else it can change based on your individual circumstances 1.Multiply your salary X 10 2. Add in the dollar amount of any large future expenses (Ex: College Costs) 3. Add any debt you would like to cover (Ex: mortgage, car loan, home equity loan) 4. Subtract any…
What are the 3 numbers you should absolutely know about your finances?
1. Retirement Savings(401k, IRA’s, etc.) 2. Credit Card Debt(Your current credit card balances and the interest rate you pay) 3. Emergency Fund( What you have in your savings account that you do not use to pay bills.) You have to at least have an idea what these numbers are before you begin planning your…