I really enjoy reading the opinions of the cast of characters on financial twitter. There is great info, humor, and insight available for free with just a few clicks. Since I must have too much time on my hands, I imagined these characters after the onset of a full blast zombie apocalypse. Who would survive?…
Anthony Isola
Financial Twitter’s Walking Dead
I really enjoy reading the opinions of the cast of characters on financial twitter. There is great info, humor, and insight available for free with just a few clicks. Since I must have too much time on my hands, I imagined these characters after the onset of a full blast zombie apocalypse. Who would survive?…
There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be a Young Investor
This past week I had the privilege of setting up a Roth IRA for the daughter of a client. She is 19 and has her whole life ahead of her. What a great time to explain the basic principles of investing. The trick was how to do it. Concepts such as retirement couldn’t be more…
Don’t Be A Screen Junkie
Spending too much time in front of entertainment screens has negative effects on both your health and finances: it can turn your children into emotional basket cases and ruin your retirement plans. A recent article in the NY Times entitled “Screen Addiction is Taking A Toll on Children” fires a warning shot and sounds an alarm about…
Public Education Ignores Data so Why Shouldn’t Investors?
It is amazing that investors continue to make poor decisions regarding their personal finances. They ignore proven data and needlessly waste their hard earned money by paying too much in fees, not diversifying and misunderstanding their time frame. If you look at the problem closely, their decisions become less surprising. Most investors have spent about…
How you can Avoid the Tricks of Financial Salespeople
Often people will buy financial products not on their merits but on the basis of the salespersons personality. Physical Attractiveness, flattery, and perceived common interests often close the deal. You are often left with a false friend and an unsuitable investment. Rejecting this tempting bait can be very difficult. Robert Cialdini ,in his book The…
It’s the End of the World As We Know it, and I Feel Fine
This line from a classic R.E.M. song from the 1990s sums up my feelings on this whole Greek Fiasco. While there is a strong possibility for “short-term volatility” a.k.a. a sudden scary market plunge, on the whole the news from this beleaguered isle means little to my clients’ long-term financial plans. Creating a portfolio without…
Five Ways to Raise a Financial Adult
Many children are dominated by “Helicopter Parents.” They lurk in the shadows, concealed in their mini-vans looking to monitor and butt into virtually any life situation their child encounters. Besides being humiliating and demeaning to the child, there are worse side effects to this behavior. Children will never learn how properly manage their finances if…
Five Fun Ways to Train JPM Employees About Conflicts of Interest
J.P. Morgan is in talks with the S.E.C. to settle a probe about charges they sold clients their own proprietary funds rather than cheaper ones from competitors. The story is being reported in today’s WSJ As part of the companies response to this latest disaster, they are focusing on how to train their employees how…
Sudden Wealth Often Disappears
Many people who find themselves with an unexpected large sum of money often lose it all. While money can solve many problems, it provides little value if its owners are not prepared to receive it. While this unexpected windfall may seem like a blessing it all too often becomes more of a curse. Often those…