How can you retire early?

 It is all about the spending. I personally like the bicycle tip. Thinking of some people I know doing that is an interesting visual. Here are some helpful tips from Mr. Moustache who retired at 35. Even though this may be impossible for most, moving the retirement date up 5-10 years is nothing to sneeze…

Could your pets derail your retirement?

The costs of caring for pets has increased dramatically over the past decade. Even people who take out pet insurance are finding many of the costs are not covered under their policies. A solution to this is to incorporate these possible expenses into your budget. Read this excerpt from to learn more… Like (human)…

What are five ways to ruin your credit score?

 Did you know that closing credit card accounts can actually lower your credit score? It is true read about it in this article from marketwatch.

How much of your budget should be devoted to your housing costs?

No  more than 30% of your take home pay each month should be devoted to your main housing expenses of mortgage and property tax payments. If you go way above this level you will not be able to save and invest. Many people think of their home as a great investment. Historically home appreciation is…

How to avoid being ripped off by the weight loss industry

This post holiday period is a great time for many unsavory companies to pitch their products. While obesity is an epidemic in our country, there is no easy solution. Discipline about what you are eating and exerting yourself with exercise do not sell products. Many people want an easy answer to a complicated problem and…