Anthony Isola

I Don’t Like Mondays…..When Is My Retirement?

Relying on outside forces to make you happy is a bad bet. Wager on yourself. Start by planning a terrific retirement by reading this week’s links. Don’t mix politics with your retirement portfolio. The Big Picture How to apply Social Security’s Spousal Benefit. Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row For some, great happiness comes…

Don’t Confuse Busy With Productive

Busy work keeps you busy. That’s fine if you believe running on a treadmill will enable you to fulfill your goals. The goal is moving the needle in a positive direction, not running in circles. Usually, the best way to get stuff done is to focus on the few activities that generate disproportionate returns. Everyone…

I Don’t Like Mondays…..When Is My Retirement?

The only time that exists is right now. Don’t wait to enjoy your retirement. Start by gathering the correct information by reading our terrific weekly links. Before you retire, plan your days. Harvard Business Review Four easy steps for creating an Estate Plan. FastCompany Working during retirement is not a one-size-fits-all model. Investopedia Taking a…

Time Isn’t An Asset Class

Creating time isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. It all starts with how you define time. If you think about it, there is only one time – Right Now. Everything else is a mind creation. Your mind is a control freak. Its main objective is to obscure the present moment with the past and…

I Don’t Like Mondays…..When Is My Retirement?

Life is about the journey, not the final destination. Make your retirement planning a pleasant trip by reading this week’s terrific links. A summary of 428 retirement articles. The Retirement Manifesto Saving for retirement isn’t a strict formula. The Humble Dollar Permit yourself to spend during retirement. Morningstar Politics shouldn’t dictate your retirement portfolio. OptimistiCallie…

Pay Attention To The Steak, Not The Sizzle

Fun isn’t a component of fundamentals. The tedious, repetitive processes are critical for all aspects of success in life and your finances. Nothing can substitute for getting your reps in. The recent World Series between the N.Y. Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers is a case in point. Both teams possess prodigious talent, but the Dodgers…

I Don’t Like Mondays …..When Is My Retirement?

Don’t make planning for retirement more complicated than necessary. Simple beats complex. Start by reading our terrific retirement links. Common criticisms of 401(k) plans are misplaced. Morningstar Your retirement plan should focus on return on experiences. Forbes Sometimes, borrowing from your 401(k) plan is OK. InvestmentNews This simple test helps predict how well you’re aging….

Overweight Perspective And Context In Your Portfolio

I don’t care about History cause that’s not where I want to be. – The Ramones Presidential Elections bring out the worst in some people. The bomb throwers take it to the next level. Nazi, Fascist, Marxist, and Communist are terms that have become part of the modern political vocabulary. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris…

Everyday Is Like Sunday…..When Is My Retirement?

Retirement is a journey, not a destination. Make sure you bring our terrific links along for the ride. Don’t bet against America. A Wealth of Common Sense Here are some Social Security Numbers you need to know. ThinkAdvisor Money Secrets hurt everyone. Sherwood It’s time for Medicare’s open enrollment. Morningstar America’s Healthcare system is ripe…

How To Avoid A Selfish Retirement

Retirement isn’t all about you. Nature proves this point. Estrangement from nature is a societal ill. Getting outside regularly and responsibly absorbing the sun’s rays is more valuable than any pill in your medicine cabinet. Unfortunately, when some of us do journey out, we end up screwing mother nature. Americans love pesticide-laden lawns and over-pruned…