Anthony Isola

There is no situation where having more money made it worse

Something to consider when deciding on your financial goals for the new year. Necessity or pleasure, you will be in a better place with more money. Whatever you are planning to save this year increase it by 1or 2%. You will not regret doing this.   More from Roger Nusbaum.. “There is no situation where…

Saving for retirement vs. college which should you choose??

Retirement wins hands down . For the simple reason there are multiple ways to fund college. There are no loans for retirement!! Read on from the WSJ….. Prioritize Retirement Here’s a piece of advice that’s tough for many parents to swallow: It is more important to save for retirement than for college. It may sound…

Three reasons why your investment choices are like a diner’s menu

At a diner it is difficult for people to choose from a thirty page menu. This creates stress and often leads to a bad decision (Sushi??). This is called the paradox of choice. It is often the reason people delay investing. It will interfere with your choice of advisor, type of account, and the investments…

Where are the customer’s yacht’s?

There was a book written long ago by this same title. In one part the stockbroker is showing a friend a fancy yacht. The friend replies but where are the customer’s yacht’s? This reminds me of the new film The Wolf of Wall Street. Instead of the missing customers yachts, we are missing the victims…

How the Grinch stole the 403b

Luckily my district has great low cost choices. Other districts are not as fortunate. You must rise up and fight the powers that be. Pester your business office incessantly if your only choices are high cost funds and annuities. Your financial future is at stake….

These celebrities should have spoken to ATI!!

It does not matter how much you make it is what you do with it that counts. A prime case in point are these 9 fools!