This is the main reason you should use index funds. The majority of stock picking is pure random luck. There are good years and bad years but if you think the fund manager has control over this you are kidding yourself. Investing is one endeavor in which a complete amateur can destroy a professional over…
Anthony Isola
Honor Roll or Dean’s list does not equal money smarts
On the contrary, many people who received high grades end up being awful investors. These people are like Michael Jordan who thought he could transfer his skill on the basketball court to the baseball diamond. He found out the hard way it was not that easy. The skills needed to be a great or even…
Why Wall Street hates index funds
Here is the difference between $3,000 a year invested ages 25-65 in an actively managed funds vs. a market index fund. This money out of your pocket. Knowledge is power only if you act on it
How much will an extra 1% of savings per year be worth to you?
You would be amazed what a difference this makes over time. This simple system of increasing your savings by 1% each year could change your life. Go the bottom of the article and use the interactive calculator to show what small changes to savings accomplish.
Why you should not have assets in the child’s name when saving for college
Simple math is the answer. 20 is a much bigger number than 5.64. If assets are in the child’s name, the school expects 20% of the proceeds to go toward tuition. For example, a $10,000 savings account in the child’s name will lead to a $2,000 expected contribution toward tuition. If those same funds were…
Essential questions you must ask your accountant this tax season
These 9 questions will make your meeting more productive and possibly save you $$$$…
Did you know insurance brokers are offered cars to sell you annuities?
One word… Dirtbags!!! This is all too common in the financial industry. The remedy is to use a fee-only advisor. Read on… via Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal: One adviser recently forwarded me two emails he had received from Table Bay. The first offered a Maserati to advisers who sell at least $7.5…
Will having too many credit cards hurt my credit score?
Not necessarily, it can actually help if you pay them in full each month. Watch out because if you have too many cards and miss or make minimum payments, disaster may be around the corner. From Learn Vest 3. Will having too many cards hurt my credit? It’s not the number of credit cards that…
Houston we have a problem
Read this to learn something about yourself and your misadventures with money
This is one of the best articles I have ever read on why most people really stink at managing their money. If you are honest you will admit to doing some of the 77 things mentioned. I know I have. Read on….