Anthony Isola

I’m Not The Same As When I Began…..When Is My Retirement?

Eighty percent of life is showing up. Show up today and read this week’s terrific retirement links. Are frugal people rich? Darius Foroux You can reinvest your RMD. Morningstar What if you run out of life? Freedom Men and Women view retirement differently. Forbes Is a “Tarzan” retirement part of your future? NY Post  …

Do You Feel Younger Than Your Chronological Age?

Your answer may determine the happiness quotient of your retirement. Subjective age is a bizarre concept. According to The Atlantic, Adults over 40 perceive themselves to be, on average, about 20% younger than their actual age. We don’t play this game with our other physical characteristics. The same view doesn’t apply to differing perceptions of our…

We’re Tired Of Your Abuse…..When Is My Retirement?

Your mind has no pride. Most things people worry about never come into being. Direct your mind towards something you can control. Start by reading this week’s terrific retirement links. Merging your finances should be a part of your retirement plan. Science Daily Live free and die. NPR Saving for retirement can lower your taxes…

The Most Critical Ingredient To Generate Wealth Is Wealth Itself

The debate between nature and nurture is eternal. Are good investors born or made? Eddie Murphy famously became the object of a cruel experiment concocted by two greedy, entitled commodity moguls in the 1970s comedy Trading Places. Murphy was grabbed from the mean streets and placed in a country club environment with the idea he would…

So You Got Someone To Boss Around…..When Is My Retirement?

The Ice Cream Cone always melts. Nothing lasts forever. Attachment leads to tears. Remember this when planning your retirement. Read this week’s terrific links to learn how to be flexible with your money. International stocks still belong in your retirement portfolio. A Wealth of Common Sense How much do you need to increase your savings…

Nature Is A Terrific Wealth Builder

Imagine a free magic potion existed that helped build health and wealth. You would assume there would be a line out the door of people clamoring to acquire their mystical powers. Such a product exists. It’s called nature. The kicker is 50% of Americans decline the opportunity for it to work its wonders. According to…

Time The Avenger

Nobody’s permanent. Everything’s on loan here. Even your wife and kids could be gone next year.- Chrissie Hynde Only you decide how to spend time. Don’t take this irreversible decision lightly. Last month we made a rare journey into NYC. Nothing personal. It’s just not my cup of tea at this stage of life. We…

Please Don’t Leave Me To Remain…..When Is My Retirement?

Retirement doesn’t mean stopping working. Liberating yourself from doing things you don’t enjoy solely for the money is the correct definition. Learn more in this week’s excellent links! Don’t be house-rich but cash poor. A Wealth of Common Sense Rolling over an old 401(k) isn’t as easy as you think. Flow Financial Planning Old Houses…

Financial Planning Is Perfectly Imperfect

Can you trust your financial plan if you don’t trust yourself? A precise financial plan is a myth on par with Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. Predicting thirty years into the future is a laughable task. It’s not to say financial plans don’t have their place- they do. Employing them as a compass rather…