Great advice about buying last years hot funds
Anthony Isola
Save enough so you can quit one of these stressful jobs.
Should you get a reverse mortgage? It depends These are not for everyone but for certain individuals they might be just the right the thing to increase monthly income.
You are much better off to follow a simple investment system
Optimizing is often the strategy of people who have specific goals and feel the need to do everything in their power to achieve them. Simplifying is generally the strategy of people who view the world in terms of systems. The best systems are simple, and for good reason. Complicated systems have more opportunities for failure….
Take the Adult ADHD quiz to see if this is a cause of your money troubles
Do not Freak out over 10-15% losses in the stock market!
Do not Freak out over 10-15% losses in the stock market!
The U.S falling further behind in country educational rankings Another reason the job market sucks.
A MUST read for women!!
Women must take retirement more seriously than men. The simple reason is they live longer. There is a 48% chance that one spouse will live to 90 based on a married couple both aged 65. Women tend to outlive men by five to seven years and 80% of centenarians are women!! These are numbers, not…
To these variab…
To these variables, we should add a few more. It could be, at the margins, that a small subset of Americans is put off by the increasingly unpleasant, dangerous, and desperate Thanksgiving/Black Friday shopping frenzy. (The Huffington Post helpfully aggregated instances of Black Friday violence.) Still others are deciding they don’t want to be implicated…