Anthony Isola

Why cashing out your 401k will devastate your retirement income

Besides paying taxes and penalties, the worst part of doing this is sacrificing the miracle of compound interest. The money you cash out will never get a chance to grow. 35% of workers who left their previous employer did this last year. In a study completed by Fidelity Investments this could lead to sacrificing $470…

How you can save 25% on your homeowner’s insurance

From the WSJ…   Meanwhile, there’s always the option of switching to higher deductible—increasing a homeowners deductible to $1,000 from $500, for instance, can save 25% on annual premiums, says Ms. Worters. That would amount to annual savings of $244.50 based on the national average premium of $978 in 2011, the latest year the statistic…

Ten ways you can make yourself debt free

Many people will have a credit card balance that they pay 18% or more on interest each month. They may also have money in the bank earning zero. They will not pay the debt because they want the security of having cash in the bank. This behavior will cause them to lose 18% per month….

What are three strategies to raise money smart kids?

 The United States has an epidemic. The name of the disease is financial illiteracy. Due to many reasons the majority of Americans would fail a basic test financial aptitude exam. One solution to the problem is to properly educate our countries youth, Three strategies are showing them their account statements, talking to them about money,…