Many investors are addicted to overpriced financial products sold by conflicted advisors. The products are not the problem. The toxic environment that allows them to incubate and spread is the main source of this dysfunction. Johann Hari wrote an amazing article in the Huffington Post entitled “The Likely cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered…
Anthony Isola
College Merit Aid is for Mediocre, Rich Kids
College merit aid is not being used as it should be, (i.e., for impoverished students with great potential but little ability to afford tuition). Its main purpose has become to attract affluent and often mediocre students in order to gain the most bang for the buck. With the exception of a select few elite universities, this practice…
“Leave The Gun, Take the Cannoli”: Lines from The Godfather to Use in Finance
One of my favorite films is The Godfather. I had a friend who memorized every line in the movie and would find a way to apply one to just about all of life’s situations. We would go to lunch and someone would ask about the choices, he would invariably say, “Have the veal, it’s the best in the…
Crash Dieting Doesn’t Work for Savers, Either
Deprivation diets don’t work in the long term. The same can be said for deprivation-based financial management. Eliminating all the fun things you can do with money is a surefire way to guarantee failure. In his excellent book “Mindless Eating, Why We Eat More Than We Think,” author Brian Wansink explains why most diets don’t work….
What Risk Is All About: Uncertainty
Howard Mark’s recent quarterly update to his Oaktree Clients is an investment smoothie for the brain. Reading this memo is an adrenaline shot for your mind. This comes without the unpleasant side effect of your Vitamix blasting through your kitchen like an industrial grade leaf blower. Mark’s analysis of risk is nutrition for your cerebral cortex in…
Kids Can See Sports as a Lousy Investment, So Why Can’t Parents?
Children’s sports are denting the finances of many parents. A recent Wall Street article titled “Why Children Are Abandoning Baseball” pointed out that participation in youth sports leagues, especially baseball, has declined dramatically since 2000. The article, written by Brian Costa, cited a “pervasive emphasis on performance over mere fun and exercise” as a big…
The Best Doctor Gives The Least Medicine
Even though Ben Franklin lived over 200 hundred years ago, his advice is timeless. During Franklin’s time, the medical cure often killed the patient. Too much blood letting and leech treatment led to fatal outcomes. The same can be said for hyper active portfolio management. As Morgan Housel likes to say, “99% of investing is…
You Can Learn To Grow Money In Your Garden
My favorite hobby is gardening, and much of what I know about plants I learned through trial and error. I’m also a Certified Financial Planner, and that’s helped me recognize the many parallels between growing your garden and growing your money. Gardening teaches valuable lessons about wealth management. You see the importance of patience, cost…
Osama Bin Laden Would Have Been An Awful Investor
Osama Bin Laden’s personality traits made him a detestable human being. He most likely would have been an atrocious investor if he would have gravitated toward the field of finance instead of mass murder. Bin Laden constantly sought the reaffirmation of his crazed beliefs. This eventually sealed his fate. This is not unlike the poor…
Tidying Up Financial Clutter
Tidying Up Financial Clutter