Compound Interest Is Apolitical

Truth knows no parties.

It’s that time of year again.

The Most Important Election of our Lifetime (A Phrase curiously repeated every four yearsis just around the corner. The fate of Western Civilization and your retirement portfolio hang on a thread—the wrong choice results in an epic conflagration of everything good. There are many reasons why everyone needs to take a deep breath.

First, no politician will save you from a broken marriage, deficient retirement savings, being fifty pounds overweight, your child’s depression, a job you hate, or an unbearable mother-in-law. Only you can save you. Taking this attitude can provide shelter from the worst weapons-grade demagoguery that pollutes media channels.

Unlike Barbers, Beauticians, and Fitness Trainers, politicians require no certification or licensing to run for office. Many from both parties are unqualified for their positions. Their allegiances lie with big-money donors, not the concerns of everyday Americans.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Plato, the OG of philosophers, pointed out the folly of being a political fanboy thousands of years ago.

Plato complains that whereas in more straightforward matters like shoemaking, we think only a specially-trained person will serve our purpose, in politics, we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill, we call for a trained physician, whose degree is a guarantee of specific preparation and technical competence-we do not ask for the most handsome physician or the most eloquent one: well then, when the whole state is ill, should we not look for the service of the wisest and the best? To devise a method of barring incompetence and knavery from public office and of selecting and preparing the best to rule for the common good- is the problem of political philosophy.

Wow! Plato’s brilliant analysis is evergreen and should be a PSA broadcast to a nation that needs competent leadership.

What about your money?

We’ve determined putting trust in these rascals isn’t in your best interests. Why would you base your investment decisions on party allegiance?

The Plato of Market Strategists, Callie Cox, lowers the boom on partisan investing.

Bespoke piles on further. There is a difference between Democratic and Republican Administrations regarding investment performance. Over 70 years, $1,000 invested when a Democrat was president would now be worth $61,800. Over the same period, Republican administrations would generate $27,400.

Does this contradict the central thesis of this post?

Not at all.

The big winners would be those who put politics aside and stayed invested for 70 years, regardless of who was in power. Their portfolio would be worth a cool $1,690,000!!!


It’s sad to see families and friendships destroyed over identity politics on steroids.

Don’t let the same thing happen to your retirement portfolio. Steer clear of Red and Blue team investment funds. Regarding your money, the Green Party is all that matters.

Compound interest is apolitical.

Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise.

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