Why is it that a tribesman living in a jungle without an I-phone is happier than the average American? Studies have proven that trying to keep up with neighbors and watching celebrity lifestyle programs have a negative effect upon happiness. In fact, many people will choose friends on an equal or lower economic scale than…
August 2014
The Expensive Private College Rip-Off
While many exclusive and expensive private colleges have large endowments that are supposed to go to those in most need, this is not true. According to an article in that crazy left wing magazine Forbes, Maggie McGrath exposes a seedy side to the financial aid formula. It is called “financial aid leveraging” and it has…
“Holy, My 403(b) Plan Is Not Free, Batman!”
The reason most teachers do not have low-cost index funds in their 403(b) plans is because they are too inexpensive. Financial salespeople have little incentive to sell a product when they will receive a small percentage of a number like 0.10%, the cost of a typical total market index product. On the other hand, provide…
Can these guys stoop any lower?
Continuing with their tradition of diversified malfeasance. http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20140731/FREE/140739968/ex-ubs-broker-accused-of-defrauding-elderly-in-ponzi-scheme