“Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.” -Woody Allen
Two different numbers
Two different numbers
Stress tends to make people make very poor decisions. Being poor is a very stressful condition to say the least. Sometimes it is hard to fathom the incredibly bad decisions poor people make about money. This article sheds some light on their predicament. Judging people is very easy, understanding them is very hard. Most people…
Stock Picking Genius…Yea Right!
Many people are seduced by tales of the prowess of the stock picking manager of their mutual funds. After all, this is why you pay them almost 50% of your after tax and inflation profits. This is why they make the big bucks. A commoner could never do what they do and you should…
Stock Picking Genius…Yea Right!
Many people are seduced by tales of the prowess of the stock picking manager of their mutual funds. After all, this is why you pay them almost 50% of your after tax and inflation profits. This is why they make the big bucks. A commoner could never do what they do and you should…
Inequality in the United States
Inequality in the United States
Break the chains of financial slavery
Those of us old enough can recall Charlton Heston in the famous scene from the film Ben-Hur in which he is chained to a slave boat. As he is being whipped to keep time with the pulsating drumbeat , the boat is rammed and begins to sink with all the unfortunates going down with it….
The Storm that won’t run out of Rain
There is an old saying, “Every storm runs out of rain.” This means things will eventually get better and, most of the time, it is the wise choice to continue following a well thought out, diversified financial plan even when it seems all is lost. Unfortunately, there are many in the financial industry who will prey…
https://www.jeanchatzky.com/saving/wednesday-welcome-a-403b-crash-course/?utm_source=bWise+Alerts&utm_campaign=33b027f0ae-BWISE_ALERT_June_10_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bed3334fdc-33b027f0ae-200148701 This great article confirms my earlier post AI