It’s Monday Again…..When Is My Retirement?

We needlessly worry over low probability events. Shark and terrorist attacks are highly unlikely. On the other hand, retirement is certain unless you plan on dying or working forever. I wouldn’t recommend either. How about using your time in a more productive manner? Start by reading this week’s terrific links.   Is your 401(k) leaking? The…

Stay In Your Investing Lane

Last week’s scary market drop provided a valuable lesson for us all. Investing is harder when we swerve out of our lane and into oncoming speculative traffic. Go back to the 1995 film, Clueless.  After a driving lesson goes terribly wrong. The valley kids are almost squashed by a tractor-trailer, harassed by a motorcycle gang,…

Compound Knowledge – October’s College Planning Links

The best month to start college planning is every month. Check out October’s terrific links. Our College tip of the month:  If you are saving for college expenses, many states offer tax benefits for contributions made to in-state 529 plans. And some, like Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, Montana and Pennsylvania allow for tax benefits for contributions made…

Disclosure is no Substitute for Regulation

Disclosure does not – and will not – protect investors from financial predators. The SEC is working on Regulation Best Interest to replace the Department of Labor’s defunct fiduciary rule.  It is a loose interpretation of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and is a big bet that hopes to protect investors because the bad guys will disclose their…

It’s Monday Again…..When Is My Retirement?

Markets go up and markets go down. You have no control over this. Focus on things you can influence. Start by reading this week’s links. Parents spend too much on their adult children and not enough saving for retirement. CNBC You are responsible for your own retirement plan. The Belle Curve Most investments and trusts…

Insurance On Your Soul

Human nature never changes. Investors’ default settings let fear or greed overpower their common sense; they fall prey to the carnival barker du jour. Financial services have a virtual monopoly over the lucrative industry of manipulating emotions.  Narratives based on euphoria or depression are more than enough to close the deal. Yet they are mere amateurs…

Keep It Simple

Dina here … There are a few things that immediately make me more relaxed and happy to face the day:  a strong cup of coffee, a nice walk, and a hot shower.  It’s nice to know that I can guarantee myself a good start to the day with such simple things. It got me thinking…

The Beautiful People

“A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.”  – Bob Hope  Ordinary people need financial advice, but their pleas are often ignored due to high minimums and bad attitudes. According to research by New York University’s economist, Edward Wolff, the top 10% of American households (as defined…

It’s Monday Again…..When Is My Retirement

When Columbus sailed the ocean blue he didn’t have to worry about retirement. Dying young is a terrible retirement strategy. Choose another path by reading this week’s links.   Americans need a ‘sidecar plan’ attached to their 401(k). MarketWatch Five things you need to do before you retire. CNN More Social Security wisdom. HumbleDollar Here…

Giving is Contagious

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others” Albert Schweitzer What else really matters? This week our firm celebrated its fifth anniversary  Instead of drinking and overeating, a bunch of us went to work in a community garden. The garden mainly benefits underprivileged children. Bringing them to…